Monday 30 November 2015


In this lesson I aim to achieve the following three things

To complete my production diaries
Do some music research
Do some editing

Friday 27 November 2015

Group Work - Themes

A2 Media : Group Planning - Planning For Production - Themes

Group Work - Locations

as a group we also discussed locations for our trailer. A member of my group uploaded it onto their blog. Hayley's Blog

Group work - Icons

As a group we talked about icons and a member of our group put this in a presentation .

Production diary 3

Production diary 2

Production diary 1

Initial Title Ideas

As a group we wrote down a few film title ideas and a member of my group presented them on a mind map. A2 Media



The props we have decided to use are;

  • A knife - The killer's main weapon
  • A plastic bag - another weapon used to kill someone
  • iPhone -  used to call 999
  • Candles 
  • Tape - To tie up our final boy 
  • An Axe - another potential weapon
  • Fake Blood 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Group Planning - Trailer Structure

Our group has had a discussion about what shots and footage that will be in our trailer and we have followed the trailer structure;

Opening - Starts with the killers backstory --> His parents teaching him not to sin

Build up - In school  at the back of a classroom , in lesson. - Montage of him in school being ignored and unnoticed.

Problem - Carves attention because he never gets any - Popular girl its all the attention and he looks over and is ticking people off a list, who gets the most attention and planning to kill them.

Events - Begins next victim is restricted, with dead classmates around him. As the camera pans closer to the victim, the victim will look up and gasp - it then finishes with the title and credits.

Monday 2 November 2015

Questions For Focus Group

  1. What do you like about our film idea ?
  2. What do you not like about our idea ?
  3. Those this film sound like a horror film ?
  4. Would this be a film that you would watch ?
  5. Any ideas you think we should add in or take out ?
  6. Do you think that we would run into some problems while shooting ? 
The reason why I am asking these questions is because I want to know how people feel about our film. Feedback on our film, especially from our target audience, is key because it enables to incorporate some new ideas and will help us get rid of some ideas that are target audience are not that fond of. As I will be asking my target audience these question I will get representative answer.  

Plot Synopsis

From a young age Cain was deprived from a normal lifestyle. He grew up in a obsessively religious household where the only attention he received From a young age Cain was deprived from a normal lifestyle. He grew up in a obsessively religious household where the only attention he received was moral and religious teachings, other than that he was ignored by family an people at school. He was isolated therefore obsessed with getting attention. He started with the kids at school, a campaign, of killing people based on moral judgments. He wanted to get attention for these killings so he sent them anomalously on social media. People share the killing and the attention grew therefore he started to kill more people because he was finally getting the attention he craved all his life. A group of students started to investigate the murders. Are they sin free? They may be next..... moral and religious teachings, other than that he was ignored by family an people at school. He was isolated therefore obsessed with getting attention. He started with the kids at school, a campaign, of killing people based on moral judgments. He wanted to get attention for these killings so he sent them anomalously on social media. People share the killing and the attention grew therefore he started to kill more people because he was finally getting the attention he craved all his life. A group of students started to investigate the murders. Are they sin free? They may be next.....